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Here you can find some links to my friends or other interesting pages:

www.kitzcam.netHomepage of my friend Mundl from Kitzbühel
www.zzz.atChrissies colourful internet world
There is nothing which can´t be found there
www.radio101.de...the good olt times...pirate radio station from Kitz
www.salsa.ata must for Salsa dancersr
www.chrissie.infoTravelogues and crazy things like salad oil as fuel for your car.
http://members.aon.at/walterrief/page_1_1.htmlTravelling, travelling, travelling and pictures, pictures, pichtures makes the homepage of Walter Rief
www.spanjersberg.comMany interesting pictures and a big selection of mobile telephones.
www.beyrer.atInteresting potpourri on Marco Beyrer´s homepage
http://www.elateobservatory.com/Velimir Popov´s astro site from Bulgaria



www.teleskop-service.deMy employer - telescopes and accessory.......a must for every amateur astronomer
www.strehlbuster.comAndi Murner´s sun pages
sensational pictures of prominences and more...
www.woitala.dehomepage of my collegue Patrick Woitala
www.ingoaderhold.npage.dehomepage of my collegue Ingo Aderhold
www.skytrip.degreat astro pictures from Mario Weigand

high end astro imaging

www.damianpeach.comperfect planet pictures

antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.htmlAstronomy picture of the day
www.heavens-above.comvisual observation of satellites (ISS, Space Shuttle, Iridium....)
www.aerith.netSeiichi Yoshida´s comet pages
www.solarmonitor.orgThe sun - NOW

www.kitzbuehel.atMy hometown - a pearl inside the alps
www.kirchseeon.deMy new domicile - app. 30 km east of Munich
www.skyscraperpage.com/diagrams/all skscrapers in the world


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